CCSO: Summerton man wanted for sex offender registry violation

The Clarendon County Sheriff’s Office has an active warrant for a 34-year-old Summerton man for violations regarding the state’s sex offender registry. Alonza Eric-Victorlon Gibson, formerly of 1980 Wash Davis Road in Summerton, is believed to have moved without notifying law enforcement. According to state law, registered sex offenders must notify local law enforcement when they move. Gibson pleaded guilty in 2013 for sexually assaulting a 17-year-old Manning woman a year earlier. He was given 30 months in prison, but has since been released, according to records from the State Law Enforcement Division. In that case, Gibson approached the girl as she was sitting under a tree near J.C. Britton Park on Raccoon Road. He told the girl he would buy her a pack of cigarettes, and the pair walked to a convenience store. He assaulted her, according to court records, at an abandoned house on Collins Street.