Clarendon County School District announces safety drills at Manning High School and Weldon Auditorium

CCSD conducts safety drills for staff


Manning, SC – May 21, 2024 – Clarendon County School District will conduct a comprehensive safety drill on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, beginning at Manning High School and concluding at Weldon Auditorium. This exercise will include both an Evacuation Drill and a Reunification Drill, ensuring that our students, staff, and local first responders are well-prepared in the event of an emergency. 

Details of the Safety Drill: 

  • Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
  • Start Time: 8:30 AM
  • Locations:

o Evacuation Drill: Manning High School 

o Reunification Drill: Weldon Auditorium 

The drills are a proactive measure to ensure the safety and preparedness of our school community. They will simulate real-life emergency scenarios, allowing district employees and first responders to practice their response and coordination. 

Key Points for Parents and Community Members: 

Evacuation Drill: District employees and first responders will practice safely exiting Manning High School and relocating to a secure area. 

Reunification Drill: Following the evacuation, participants will proceed to Weldon Auditorium, where the process of reuniting students with their families will be simulated. 

Local first responders, including police, fire, and emergency medical services, will actively participate in these drills. Their involvement is crucial for assessing and enhancing our emergency response strategies. 

Important Notes: 

  • Traffic around Manning High School and Weldon Auditorium may be temporarily affected during the drill hours (8:30 AM - Noon). Please plan accordingly.

Support and Cooperation: 

We appreciate the ongoing support and cooperation of our parents, students, and community members as we undertake this important exercise. Your involvement and understanding are vital to the success of our safety initiatives. 

For more information or any questions regarding the safety drill, please contact the Clarendon County School District office at (803) 435-4435 or email

Thank you for your continued support in ensuring the safety and well-being of our students. 

Clarendon County School District 

Contact: Dr. Keisa Carr, Director of Communication and Community Relations Clarendon County School District Phone: (803) 435-4435 Email: