Local news

Local woman gets a kidney


The following is a story from The Manning Times on April 11th, 2013, followed by an update on Mary Ashley Barbot.

A Kidney for Mary Ashley

By: Erin Chandler

April 11th, 2013

At age 10, some little girls want a new doll. Mary Ashley is in third grade, but at the moment she is home-bound and unable to attend her school. Though Mary Ashley knows she is sick, her mother isn’t sure if she really grasps the sensitivity of the situation.

Barbot said, “I don’t know truly how much she understands. She has some developmental delays. She really functions on about a four or five year old level. She knows that she’s sick.” 

Although Mary Ashley is very fatigued, has to rest a lot, and lives with low energy levels, she doesn’t complain.

Barbot explained, “(She) tries her best everyday to keep up and do everything that she normally would do. When she can’t do it, she rests…she never complains really.”

While she is putting up a brave fight with a smiling face, Mary Ashley’s family is very concerned about finding a new kidney for her in a timely manner.

“What we really need the most is healthy people that would be willing to consider donating a kidney, said Barbot.

Fast Forward to September 15, 2023. 

Mary Ashley’s mother, Charlene Barbot recounted, “It was at the end of school when we received the call.  The teacher was walking her over to me and was present when I told her about the kidney.” 

One of the other teachers jumped on the computer and got the family a flight, then the assistant principle rushed them out to make sure that they could get Mary Ashely and her mother through the school traffic. Three hours later, they were on a plane to Cedar-Sinai Hospital in California. 

Barbot said, “My mom and dad (Debbie and Charles Anderson) rushed from Manning to Charleston as soon we called and drove us to the airport.”

In less than twenty-four hours, Mary Ashley had her new kidney.  As of the morning of print, Mary Ashley is resting in her hospital room after a morning of hanging out with her dad, walking, and going into the playroom.

To support Mary Ashley you can donate at https://cota.org/campaigns/COTAforMaryAshleyStrong

Venmo @charlene_barbot

Go fund Me: https://gofund.me/59178df2