School News

Clarendon County School District asks for millage increase


The Clarendon County Council unanimously approved a memorandum of agreement between the Clarendon County Detention Center and the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice (SCDJJ) during its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday. The agreement ensures that minors charged with criminal activity in the county will be housed at SCDJJ facilities, as the local detention center is not equipped to accommodate juvenile detainees. This annual agreement stipulates a fee of $50 per day for each detained minor.

In addition to the detention center agreement, significant budgetary discussions took place. Clarendon County School District Superintendent Dr. Shawn Johnson and Finance Director Cathy Williams presented the board-approved balanced general fund budget for the fiscal year 2024/2025. The proposed budget totals $48,603,851.90 and includes a mandated $4,500 increase in teacher salaries, as well as an adjustment to the bus driver salary scale to meet state minimum requirements.

Williams also requested an increase in the school district’s operating millage from 168.9 to 192.2, marking a 23.3 mill increase. She explained that this increase results from utilizing a 1.7% unused millage from 2022/2023, an 8% allowable millage from 2023/2024, and a 4.12% allowable millage for the 2024/2025 school year. Funding to support the Clarendon County Adult Education Program was also requested.

“No debt service millage or debt service requirements are expected for the 2024/2025 fiscal year,” Williams stated. After a thorough discussion and questions from the council, Councilman Richardson moved to approve a 4.12% increase, which passed unanimously.

Lastly, Clarendon County Administrator Lynden Anthony presented the third and final reading of the 2024/2025 fiscal year budget, which also received unanimous approval from the council.