Dying is not an option, until He sees fit

"In the day when I cried out, You answered me, And made me bold with strength in my soul." Psalm 138:3 Cancer doesn't discriminate. It doesn't care how old you are. Cancer doesn't care if you have children who need you, or a husband/wife that would be destroyed if they lost you. Cancer is an ugly thing and I hate it. But at the same time, I am thankful for the changes I have made in myself since I found out about that ugly cancer. My Mama says I don't even talk the same way. I am happy. I am in love with life and I will fight with the whole armor of God to keep it. Sunday, Sydney Brant Photography (amazing), took our family pictures. I was hoping to get them taken before I lost my hair, but my husband was working a lot and I wasn't feeling well. However, I'm really glad I did it now. I will cherish those pictures forever. I will always be reminded of this time in my life, when I woke up and realized how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken away. I will be reminded of the warmth and joy I feel in my heart and how absolutely blessed I am. I don't ever want to take life for granted. I have good news for you! You don't have to go through something extreme to change your perspective. We can change at any given moment, that's the beautiful thing. We have the opportunity every day to change the rest of our lives! I recommend reading the Bible, there is some great stuff in there. You'll find so much encouragement for any situation. It's important to talk to God every day. He is listening, I promise you that. Think about it. I've never felt any kind of "calling" until recently. I've watched other people obey God and make themselves a witness in one way or another, but that was never me. I didn't think I would even be able to "hear" it if God spoke to me. I have always been shy and I've always kept to myself. I was a lazy Christian. Sure, I prayed and I loved Jesus. I never stepped out though. I never talked about Him. I wasn't focusing on Him. I was distracted with life, with "things." We have to slow down and listen! He has given me the desire to understand His Word. He has given me the desire to turn this test into a testimony. I praise God for this calling! I am not the same person I was before. He has made me bold and strong in my soul! On the outside, I may look like a lamb, but inside He has made me a lion! I will defeat this cancer, it will not defeat me! I speak nothing but life over my body. Dying is not an option, not until He sees fit. And when I do meet Him, He will say, "Well done, good and faithful servant."