Leaving home for the first time can be scary, but nothing means more to first-year college students than knowing that they have the love and support of close family members, friends, and encouragement from Manning High School (MHS) alumni encouraging them to stand strong, keep it moving, and do great things.
In May 2022, the Monarch Strong Corporation (MSC), along with the support of local sponsors, awarded their first scholarships to five Manning High School seniors. MSC caught up with some of these recent MHS alumni, now busy upcoming sophomore college students, who are doing some remarkable things to make us proud.
Dana McCoy is a college freshman attending the University of South Carolina - Columbia. Dana has made many accomplishments, such as being the first-generation college student in her family, while balancing a job and prioritizing school. Dana is very thankful for the funds she received from MSC and the amazing sponsors who helped.
McCoy is enjoying her time at USC and encourages all of the students at Manning High School to take advantage of the scholarships and opportunities, such as the ones that MSC has provided for the youth.
“I’m very thankful and appreciative of these amazing people within our community who go above and beyond for the youth within our community,” said McCoy.
Addie Laney is also attending the University of South Carolina, where she is doing fantastic and enjoying her freshman year there as well. Laney is involved in many organizations at USC, such as Alpha Epsilon Delta, Chi Alpha, and Relay for Life. She is a counselor for the Horizon Retreat and involved with a youth club called Delight.
After her first semester ended last December, Addie was happy to report, “Due to the support from scholarships such as the Monarch Strong scholarship, I was able to focus on my studies more without worrying about how I would pay for my education. Because of this I am happy to say that I made all A’s! As for this next semester, I am glad to have the Monarch Strong organization still there cheering me on and supporting my dreams financially as well!”
Timothy Goldsmith attends Averett University, where he plays track and football. “With every new experience, you’re going to face challenges, and going to college is no different. College taught me that you’re not going to succeed every time, but that leaves room to learn and grow. It has also taught me that you’re going to meet new people no matter where you go. College taught me to not be afraid to get involved or try something new that you couldn’t imagine yourself doing before. I am also a Presidential Ambassador, Bonner Leadership Program, a member of the Black Student Union, and I’ll be a Resident Assistant for the 2023–2024 school year.”
Goldsmith said, “When the Monarch Strong Corporation was encouraging me throughout my first year in college, it felt like I had the whole community cheering me on with the addition of my friends and family.”
Darren Dawkins is another grateful and appreciative MSC Scholar and MHS alumnus. Dawkins is attending Clemson University and is absolutely loving it so far. Dawkins explains, “My first year at Clemson has been great. So many opportunities have been opened to me through this
experience. I am very thankful to have received the Monarch Strong Scholarship to help me get here. I am excited to continue pursuing a degree in Animal and Veterinary Sciences come fall time.”
Keep it moving Monarchs! This has been a great and successful year for each of these MSC Scholars’ and first-year college students. We wish them nothing but the best as they venture through this journey of life.
Monarch Strong Corporation, with the help of its sponsors, continues to encourage and support our students. Join us at MSC’s next event or consider being a sponsor of the Auto Show on June 24, 2023. Go to www.monarchstrong.com.