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Manning resident’s patriotic style shines through in life and wardrobe


For Cindy Risher, the red, white, and blue are more than just the colors of the American flag; they are a way of life. Known for her unwavering patriotism, Risher’s unique style is a testament to her love and respect for the United States.

Risher’s journey into patriotic hues began gradually. “It wasn’t just a one-day thing,” she explains. “It probably started between 15 to 20 years ago. There’s a gentleman named A.D. Jordan, a field rep for Senator Tim Scott, who once commented on my red, white, and blue boots. He said they were my trademark. That’s when I realized how much I loved wearing these colors.”

Risher’s wardrobe is a sea of red, white, and blue, extending from her daily attire to her cherished collection of patriotic-themed boots. “I have a pair of classic red, white, and blue boots with fringe that are a standout,” she says with a smile. “They are so unique, and people just associate me with them.”

Her love for these colors isn’t confined to her closet. Risher’s home decor also reflects her patriotic passion. “My dining room is especially red, white, and blue,” she says proudly. “Even my porch is decorated in these colors. I often receive gifts from people I’ve never met who send me patriotic items to add to my collection.”

One of Risher’s favorite gifts is a handmade blanket that holds deep sentimental value. “A dear friend’s late mother made it,” she shares. “When my friend was cleaning out her mother’s house, she found this red, white, and blue knitted bedspread and thought of me. It means a lot because it belonged to her mom, and I know how close they were.”

Risher’s dedication to her country extends beyond her personal style. A retired public-school teacher with nearly three decades of service, she has continued to serve her community in various capacities. From driving foster and disadvantaged students to appointments to working as an editor at The Manning Times, Risher’s commitment to making a difference is evident.

Her involvement in community service is extensive. She served as a school board member in Clarendon School District One and volunteers with organizations such as Keeper of the Wild and Meals on Wheels. Her leadership roles within the GOP include serving as the Clarendon County GOP Executive Committeeman and the First Vice Chair of the SCGOP.

Risher’s family, including her husband of 35 years, Al, and her two daughters, support her patriotic lifestyle. “My daughters say I’m the easiest person to shop for because they always know what I’ll love,” she says, recalling a recent gift from her daughter Katie—a red, white, and blue rooster statue.

Risher’s favorite holiday, surprisingly, isn’t the Fourth of July. Nor does it need to be as her patriotic spirit is on display year-round, whether through her attire or the way she decorates her home.

When asked if she ever varies from her red, white, and blue ensemble, Risher laughs. “Only when I want to mess with people,” she admits. “If I dress in a different color, people don’t even recognize me!”

Cindy Risher’s patriotic style is more than just a fashion statement; it’s a reflection of her unwavering love for her country and community. From her boots to her home decor, she embodies the spirit of the red, white, and blue every day.