UPDATE: Town of Summerton Mayor Mac Bagnal Resigns


In an unexpected announcement on June 26th, Mayor Mac Bagnal of Summerton declared his resignation, addressing the town staff, council, and citizens.

Bagnal, previously served as mayor for eight years, initially elected in 2014 and then defeated by the late Tony Junious in the 2022 election. After Junious’ unexpected death in January, Bagnal returned to office following a special election on April 2nd, narrowly defeating challenger Tim Fry with a vote count of 114 to 99.

Bagnal was known for his slogan "Make Summerton Great Again” and has been involved in the community for many years. His efforts have included serving on the Junior Chamber of Commerce, being on the board of Clarendon Hall, directing the South Carolina Waterfowl Association, and running the Summerton Athletic Club with his wife.

During his tenure as mayor, Bagnal focused on revitalizing the town by cleaning up public areas, addressing stray dog issues, and improving the overall aesthetic of Summerton. He spearheaded projects like Duck Fest and other local events to foster community spirit.

In his resignation letter, Bagnal expressed the difficulty of his decision, citing recent challenges and personal responsibilities as key factors.

"It has been an honor and a privilege to serve this community. I have dedicated myself to the betterment of Summerton and its residents, striving to lead with integrity and commitment. However, recent circumstances have led me to reconsider my ability to continue effectively in this role," Bagnal wrote.

He highlighted the challenges in ensuring that staff are adequately trained and informed about current legal requirements and their duties. Bagnal also noted that his mother's health has required more of his time and attention, making it difficult to fulfill his mayoral duties.

"Family responsibilities are paramount, and I believe it is in the best interest of both my family and the Town of Summerton that I step down from my position as Mayor," he added.

Bagnal concluded his letter by expressing gratitude to the Town Council, town employees, and citizens of Summerton for their support and collaboration during his tenure.

"Summerton will always hold a special place in my heart, and I remain committed to its continued success and prosperity," he wrote.

The impact of Bagnal's resignation on ongoing projects and community initiatives remains to be seen. As the town awaits further details, the future leadership and direction of Summerton remain uncertain.

To read Bagnal’s resignation letter in full, visit manninglive.com.