Political News

Town of Summerton meeting agenda


Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 5:00 PM Town Hall
10 Main Street, Summerton, SC 29148

I. Call to order ... Mayor Tony Junious

II. Invocation ... Councilmember Regina Brown

III. Notification to media

IV. Pledge of Allegiance ... Ms. Jazlynn Bowman

V. Approval of Agenda

VI. Approval of Minutes

Minutes of regular council meeting of February 14, 2023.

VII. Public Presentation

Team Culture Awards (Street Department)

Inspiration Awards (Community Champion Award, Outstanding Downtown Alliance, COmmunity Ambassador Award)

EPC Oasis Easter Egg Hunt... Ms. Lannell Gamble and Mr. Dale Castro Powell (COmmunity Peace Group)

Proclamation... Benjamin "Randy" Leggett, Jr. Day

VIII. Departmental Reports

Public Works - Mr. Robert Tucker, Asst. Supervisor

Oliver Environmental Services - Mr. Joey Oliver, Operator

Police Department - Chief Donell Dixon

Administration - Mrs. Mary Adger, Town Administrator

IX. Finance Report

X. Councilmember Comments

XI. Old Business

A. Discussion of Summerton Help House Project

XII. New Business

A. Ordinance No: 2023-01. An ordinance to regulate the shooting of fire arms within the town limits of Summerton

B. Zoning Text Amendment No: 2023-01T. Discussion of a zoning text ammendment to the Town of Summterton Zoning Ordinance.

C. Resolution 2023-02. A resolution to accept and approve Clarendon County Hazard Mitigation Sterring Committee, and the submission on the behalf of the participating counties and municipalities of the Adopted Hazard Plan to the State Emergency Management Division and to the federal emergency management agent officials for formal review and approval.

D. Discussion of partnering with EPC Oasis Easter Egg Hunt

E. Discussion of a partnership with Community Peace Group

F. Discussion of funding for city projects

G. Discussion of participation in National Child Abuse Prevention Month

XIII. Executive Session

Discussion of employment, appointment, compensation, promotion, demotion, discipline, or release of an employee, a student, or a person regulated by a public body or the appointment of person to a public body. Section 30-4-70(A)(1).