Local News

Summerton officials collaborate on park revitalization with PARD grant


Mayor Mac Bagnal and Town Administrator Kenneth Geathers of Summerton are working closely with State House Representative Fawn Pedalino to secure and utilize Parks and Recreation Development (PARD) grant funds for the revitalization of Wausau Park.

The Town of Summerton has formally requested that the county apply for a PARD Grant on their behalf to fund new playground equipment and a new basketball backboard and net at Wausau Park. Mayor Bagnal emphasized the importance of the county delegation’s support in the grant application process. “It is necessary for our county delegation to rate the project, so I am forwarding you the form for you to sign and rate. Please fax back the form to me at your earliest convenience so we can get this application in on schedule. We appreciate your assistance!” Bagnal wrote in his correspondence to Rep. Pedalino.

Rep. Pedalino expressed her strong support for the grant application in a letter to Vicki Williams, the Grants Administrator. “I have personally rented out the park for events and have witnessed firsthand both its potential and its current state of disrepair,” Pedalino stated. “The PARD Grant would be instrumental in revitalizing Wausau Park, transforming it into a vibrant community hub that fosters social interaction, healthy lifestyles, and community pride. Upgrading the park will not only enhance the quality of life for current residents but also attract visitors and potential new residents to Summerton, boosting our local economy.”

Pedalino further emphasized her commitment to the project, saying, “I’m honored to advocate alongside Mayor Bagnal and any other leadership in my district for projects that give back to the community. I will always do what I can to help our local municipalities be successful in helping the communities they serve.”

Town Administrator Kenneth Geathers confirmed that PARD funds amounting to $37,936.29 have been granted for the project. In a Letter of Intent sent to Williams on June 5th, Geathers outlined the initial steps and noted that the process from approval to groundbreaking is a “work in progress.”

Mayor Bagnal was unavailable for comment regarding the project’s progress.

The collaborative efforts of Summerton’s local government and state representatives aim to breathe new life into Wausau Park, fostering a renewed sense of community and pride among residents.