Q&A with Miss Clarendon Drue Floyd Part 1

The Junior Ambassadors came up with a series of questions for Miss Clarendon 2016 Drue Floyd and presented her answers to The Manning Times so that the public could get to know her better during her reign this year. Floyd, 19, an East Clarendon High School graduate, is currently in Columbia, competing this week in the Miss South Carolina pageant. Finals will be televised from 8-10:30 p.m. Saturday on WACH-Fox. WHAT SCHOOL ARE YOU CURRENTLY ATTENDING? Central Carolina Technical College, where I am studying speech language pathology. I chose this major because I want to be involved in a career that will impact lives every day. WHAT IS YOUR SCHOLASTIC AMBITION? I want to achieve my master’s degree in speech language pathology. This will allow me many opportunities in the work field. LIST YOUR SCHOLASTIC HONORS. LIFE Scholarship; vice president of the BETA Club; member of the National Honor Society; Junior Scholar; Junior Marshal; and honors graduate. GREATEST NON-ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT? Competing in the Special Olympics with the Project Unify group. I have been a part of this group for five years. My life has been completely changed by these students. I am so lucky to be surrounded by so many amazing people. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE STYLE OF MUSIC? My favorite style of music is 80s classic rock. I have always loved it. I love to call it the “oldies but goodies!” WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE GENRE AND WHY? My favorite movie genre is comedy. I have always enjoyed a good laugh. Instead of scary movies that leave you feeling like crying, I love the movies that make you leave in tears from laughing so hard. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GADGET? My favorite gadget is my phone! I absolutely love the Pinterest app. It allows me to store all of my favorite things in one place. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BLOG? My favorite is The Odyssey, which focuses on topics that college students are tuned into. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO VISIT? Mahogany Bay. It is extremely beautiful with crystal blue waters! WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? My favorite food is marinated steak. Who doesn’t love a good steak? My daddy is the best at cooking it. IF YOU WERE ON A DESERTED ISLAND, WHAT BOOK WOULD YOU WANT TO TAKE WITH YOU? I would want to take “Hearts of Iron,” as it is my absolutely favorite. It would be my first pick. DO YOU USE TWITTER? No. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPORT? My favorite sports are softball and baseball. I fell in love with these sports because of my sisters and my boyfriend, Austin. NAME YOUR FAVORITE SPORTS TEAM. The University of South Carolina Gamecocks. NAME YOUR FAVORITE ACTOR AND ACTRESS. Johnny Depp NAME YOUR FAVORITE TV PROGRAM. Dr. Phil is my favorite TV program. I feel the need to include some of his intelligence into my day at some point each week. He is so wise. WHAT IS YOUR BEST WARDROBE ACCESORY? My shoes. I have a weak spot for wedges! WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING TO DO ON A WEEKEND? Fish on the lake. I enjoy being outside in the sun. Fishing on the lake is so relaxing for me. HOW DO YOU LIKE TO SPEND A DAY OFF? Anything that involves relaxation is what I enjoy doing. I very rarely get time that can be spent without stress or without tasks to be completed, so I love to take the times I do get to just relax.