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Graduating class of 1955 celebrates 65 year reunion


The Class of 1955 generally schedules their reunion near the anniversary of their graduation, every five years.

This year at the Manning High 65th class reunion, the theme was set on positivity and love for the former classmates. A class reunion typically provides educational opportunities for the various generations to learn about their class members and pass on historical information. 

“It was wonderful! It was one of the best reunions we have had,” stated Manning High 1955 65th Class Reunion Host, Violet Moody. “I was excited to see everyone. Some people didn’t show up because of Covid-19. At the class reunion, we laughed, reminisced and talked about our senior class trip to New York.”

What makes this reunion all the more phenomenal is the age of most of the class members. Supposing each of the members graduated at 18, everyone in attendance would be around 83 years old. 

Like most class reunions, Manning’s 65th class reunion celebrates family’s meaning by sharing memories and family rituals and encouraging a sense of belonging to something greater than your nuclear family. Mrs. Moody was not exactly sure on how she got elected to become the host, but she has been doing it for some time now and enjoys hosting the class reunions for the classmates. 

Moody was more than willing to do what it takes to make sure everyone was happy. At this class reunion, they finally revealed the person who shot the water gun at the guard on the senior trip. As a retired secretary, she is accustomed to handling office schedules, coordinates meetings and visits, organizes files, answering phones, and performs a massive array of other essential tasks. She was the perfect person to host. 

Reunions are not sponsored by the schools or the districts of the attendees. The events are organized by volunteer committees of about ten people or more. Mostly by people who have formal meetings during the year or so leading up to the reunion. In her 80s, Mrs. Moody is hoping she is still capable of hosting the class reunion five years from now. One of her favorite quotes is, “don’t let yesterday take up too much of today. You learn more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop; your loss builds character.”