Political News

Clarendon's grant report


The following is the Grant’s Report for Clarendon County and where the funds will be used.

On an annual basis the Grant’s Department can apply for continuation of grants which are offered to every County in SC. Those grants span across several departments within the county:

Sheriff’s Department

1. The Criminal Domestic Violence Investigator

2. The School Resource Officers Salaries: now in 6 schools

3. THe School Resource Officers equipment: cars, guns, car radios

4. Bullet Proof Vests

5. Body Cameras

Detention Center

1. COVID Supplies

2. Bullet Proof Vests

Public Works: recycling

1. Waste Tire, Oil and Solid Waste 


1. Grant in Aid: EMS supplies, equipment, training

2 Trauma Grant: EMS supplies, equipment

Emergency Management Dept.

1. LEMPG and LEMPG supplemental for emergency supplies for shelters, Communication radios, computers, hurricane guides, etc.


1. Annual grant funds for Park and Recreation projects on a rotating basis: this year we will be renovating Paxville’s Park to include new playground equipment, basketball courts, bleachers, etc.

Total $1,862,237.00

New grant applications have increased since COVID and the American Rescue Plan Act funding has been available.

New grant applications were submitted and approved for the following:

1. SCDPS for COVID supplies equipment for the Sheriff’s Office and Body Cameras

2. ARPA Relief Funds for Santee Cooper Airport; for maintenance and operational costs, COVID supplies.

3. USDA Community Facilities Grants to replace 36 inter communication radios for Sheriff’s Dept.

4. FEMA BRIC grant scoping project to address watershed issues at Walker Gamble School.

5. USDA Rural Infrastructural project to extend the Phase 11 Rural Water System to Lake Marion Shores.

6. SC Rural Infrastructure project for the Wyboo Wastewater Treatment Diversion Project

7. SCDPS grant for a new digital video recording system for the Magistrates Office.

8. SCDNR grant for construction of a new Pier and boat ramp upgrade at the Wyboo Fire Station.

Total of $11,092,877.95

Grant applications that have been submitted and are waiting approval:

1. South Carolina Infrastructure Program:

 Water Improvements to the southern portion of the county: Phase IV $ 9,764,911

  Water improvements to the southern portion of the county: Phase V in the amount of          $10,000,000.00

2. South Carolina Office of Resilience ARPA funded Stormwater Infrastructure Program 

To provide mitigation measures that address stormwater flooding on 5 county roads.


Total $ 20,258,911.00

SC Opioid Recovery Fund:

As a result of the SC Opioid Litigation Proceedings, counties in SC that were part of this litigation will be able to utilize guaranteed Political Subdivisions Sub Funds. The funds are being handled by the SC Opioid Recovery Fund Board. Funding is being utilized in two different areas; a direct allocation to counties for a five-year period and competitive grants for the sub fund. Clarendon COunty will receive an allocation this fiscal year in the amount of $100,315.66. To make the most of this opportunity the Pathway to Freedom program has been initiated. Through this approach key partners who deal with the impact of opioid abuse on the Citizens of Clarendon COunty have been invited to a one on one meeting to discuss programs and services currently being offered or needed. Information And issues discussed though these meetings will help develop the most comprehensive integrated service/treatment delivery system for the funding. Key partners have included: DSS, Mental Health, Behavioral Health, EMS/ Fire Rescue, The Detention Center, Drug Court Staff and The Sheriff’s office. The focus will be to provide a pathway to the freedom from addiction and offer hope of a better quality of life.

Santee- Cooper Airport

Funding for the Santee-Cooper airport is allocated by the FAA on an annual basis from the Airport Improvement Fund in the amount of $150,000. With the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Fund this year, the Airport will receive an additional $150,000 each year for 5 years. THis funding is integrated with FAA discretionary funds through a competitive annual application process. 

The most recent project to be completed was the rehabilitation of the apron; the project total was $836,289; 90 percent funded by FAA, 5 percent county match and 5 percent SCAC funding.

Additions to the AIrport included new gazebel and dog run for pilots to use when traveling with pets and or outside utilization during COVID etc.

New Project applications awarded to date:

Tree Obstruction and LIDAR vegetative study $235,935

New Project applications being submitted;

The design work fo the replacement of all apron, taxiway and runway lights, PAPI lights and vault from quartz to LED; $130,000

The reconstruction work for replacement of lights ; $1,100,000

Future applications in 2024:

The design work for the rehabilitation of the taxiway and runway $435,000

The rehabilitation construction of the taxiway ; $2,160,000

New Bi-partisan Infrastructure Law funding has been released for Airport Terminal rehab/ construction. We are in the process of having the small terminal at the airport evaluated for either rehabilitation or new construction with these funds. This would allow for 2800-3000 sq ft. terminal, 504 compliant accessibility and restrooms, space for meetings and pilots to use the terminal.