School News

Clarendon County School District Teacher of the Year: Kelsey Brunson, Walker Gamble Elementary School


The Manning Times is proud to kick off a special series celebrating the outstanding educators who have been named the Clarendon County Teachers of the Year for 2024. We aim to recognize and thank these remarkable teachers for their unwavering commitment to their students, their passion for teaching, and the positive impact they have on our schools and community. Stay tuned each week as we share their stories of dedication and excellence.


For Kelsey Brunson, teaching is more than just a profession; it’s a lifelong calling rooted in her deep ties to Clarendon County. Born and raised in Manning, Brunson has spent her entire life in the county, and now, she is making an indelible impact on the next generation as a teacher at Walker Gamble Elementary School. Recently honored as one of the Clarendon County School District’s Teachers of the Year, Brunson’s journey reflects her unwavering commitment to her community and her passion for early childhood education.

Brunson’s love for her hometown is palpable. “I’ve lived in Clarendon County my whole life,” she shared. “I actually have always lived in Manning.” This deep-rooted connection to her community has significantly influenced her decision to become a teacher and serve the same area where she was raised.

After graduating from Laurence Manning Academy in 2012, Brunson pursued higher education at the University of South Carolina Sumter, followed by a transfer to the USC Upstate education program. She earned her bachelor’s degree in education in 2016 and didn’t stop there. Brunson furthered her expertise with a master’s degree in reading and literacy from Walden University, followed by a second master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from Western Governors University.

Despite her academic achievements, Brunson’s passion for teaching remains centered around her love for working with young children. “I always kind of knew I wanted to be a teacher,” she said, recalling her early experiences babysitting and carpooling for neighborhood kids. “It was like I always knew that I really enjoyed being around little children.”

Brunson has been a part of Walker Gamble Elementary School for eight years, where she has primarily taught five-year-old kindergarten. This year, however, she transitioned to teaching four-year-olds, a challenge she has embraced with enthusiasm. “I’m only a week into 4K, but so far, I love it,” she said.

Her teaching philosophy is simple yet profound: love your students. “I just focus on loving my kids,” Brunson emphasized. “Especially with the little ones, it’s easy to say I can teach them their ABCs or their numbers or how to count to 100, but the truth is, as long as I love them, I feel like at the end of the day, I’ve done my job.”

This love for her students is intertwined with her deep faith, which she integrates into her daily routine in subtle but meaningful ways. One of her cherished traditions is starting the day with a morning devotion and saying a blessing before lunch. “It’s not anything that I make them do; it’s something that they ask for,” Brunson said with a smile. “If we don’t do it, they remind me, like, ‘Miss Kelsey, you didn’t say the devotion today,’ or ‘Miss Kelsey, you forgot the blessing.’”

Being named Teacher of the Year is a tremendous honor for Brunson, but she views it as a reflection of the collective excellence at Walker Gamble Elementary. “I’m really blessed to be a part of Walker Gamble,” she said, her voice filled with admiration. “I work with just amazing people. They’re not only great teachers but just all-around genuine, kind-hearted people.”

Brunson’s deep appreciation for her colleagues is matched by her love for the community she serves. “I just think it’s really special that the same community I grew up in, that I live in, that my family lives here, and that my child will grow up in, is the same community that I get to give back to every day in the form of teaching,” she said. “I think that’s really special.”

While Brunson has achieved much in her career, including certifications in gifted and talented education and endorsements in early childhood, she remains firmly committed to classroom teaching. “I don’t really see myself wanting to go into administration,” she said, adding, “I’m just really happy getting to be with the kids and being a pre-K teacher.”

As she reflects on her career and the impact she has made, Brunson feels blessed to be in a place where her faith, family, and professional life are so closely intertwined. “I do love the Lord, and I’m just glad that I get to spread the gospel with my students in small ways,” she said, expressing her gratitude for being able to live and work in a community that supports her values.

For Kelsey Brunson, teaching is not just a job—it’s a calling, a way to give back to the community that has shaped her, and a means to instill love and knowledge in the hearts of the children she serves. As she continues her journey at Walker Gamble Elementary, Clarendon County can be proud to have such a dedicated and passionate educator shaping the future of its youngest citizens.