Family, friends remember 'Millie Gee'

Melissa Grice joined several friends and family members Wednesday in remembering the year anniversary of her daughter's death on Taw Caw Creek near Summerton. Millicent "Millie Gee" McDonald died May 20 after being injured in a jet ski wreck May 19. The other party to the wreck was charged with reckless homicide by watercraft. Grice has worked tirelessly in the past year on Millie's Law, which will require breathalyzers on all watercraft operators after incidents on South Carolina waterways. "My baby girl has been in heaven one year, and I am one year closer to being with her again," Grice said Wednesday on Facebook. "I believe I will see you when it's my time, and I expect a hug so tight that we never let go." Grice gathered to memorialize her daughter at the location in which she was injured. Photos were provided by Craig Varn