CCSD Plans for Early Dismissal and e-Learning Ahead of Hurricane Idalia
Clarendon County School District will shift learning due to the threat of Hurricane Idalia
Manning— August 28, 2023 — Out of an abundance of caution due to the threat of Hurricane Idalia and to prepare Manning High School as a county shelter, Clarendon County School District will operate on the following schedule beginning Wednesday, August 30th:
● Wednesday, August 30th, CCSD will operate on an early dismissal schedule (link below)
● Thursday, August 31st, e-Learning Day at home, students should use their devices to complete class
assignments in Google Classroom to be marked present for the day (link to expectations below)
● Friday, September 1st, CCSD will operate on a 2-hour delay
● After-school and athletic activities will be canceled on Wednesday, August 30th, and Thursday, August 31st. Games and matches will also be moved to Saturday, September 2nd, or later.
The Early Dismissal Schedule and e-Learning Expectations for the district are linked below. CCSD strives to prioritize the safety of our staff, students, and their families while ensuring that learning continues at home.
We will continue to monitor the weather conditions closely, and updates regarding school operations for Wednesday, August 30th, through Friday, September 1st, will be communicated through our usual channels, including email, social media, and our website.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your student’s school office.