Have you heard about the prices for tickets to the Super Bowl? It’s wild. I guy told me that he heard that tickets could cost $10,000.00. He said that the cheapest ticket was $8,500.00. I don’t know if that’s right, but I’m going to follow his lead and watch a little bit of that game on television.
That sounds like an expensive game to watch live. The brain trust met for lunch last weekend and solved the problem of ticket prices.
That’s the good part about meeting with the brain trust. Almost any problem in the world can be solved at an hour-long lunch with the brain trust.
Football can be an addictive type sport. I have lots of friends that love the game and will adjust their schedule to allow them to go to a high school/college/pro football game. You can insert other sports too.
Kids playing, favorite college, or nearby pro team can have people doing all sorts of things. I know some friends that travel to Clemson for every home game. The trek to Clemson presents an interesting travel dilemma. There is not an easy way to drive to Clemson. Their weekend excursion is a near Lewis and Clark expedition. They do have about ten ways to get to Clemson and each one could be the best way.
Let’s get to the brain trust. They immediately solved the Clemson game trek. Without hesitation they suggested that a camper be installed near Clemson. They could leave on Friday or Saturday and camp for the weekend. They would have a place to rest after the game and make a leisurely drive home later. The cost of the camper is only part of the wonderful experience and should be considered at all.
That didn’t solve the high price of the Super Bowl tickets but it brought up the interesting observation that the cost of a hobby should not be considered at all.
One guy told us that he had shot a dove, quail, goose, duck and pheasant. His hunting experience with birds was over and he had no worries about all the money he had spent on new guns, 4 wheel drive pickups, four wheelers, and even a long trip to South Dakota for the chance of shooting at a pheasant. He did mention that he had wrecked 4 pick up trucks by hitting stumps or driving into ditches. He made note that the wrecks happened while deer hunting and he didn’t count that.
Those wrecks could just as easily happened anywhere.
After they started throwing out numbers for hunting and treks to college football, a $10,000 ticket didn’t seem so bad. Compare hunting season, boating season, a spring golf trip added to a sports season and astronomical numbers started to add up.
I threw in that if you discounted some of the above named sports you could create a budget for a Super Bowl Ticket. Think of it as $100 a week for a couple of years and you could head to the next Super Bowl.
Save this year and then pay off the remainder over a couple more and you would spend less than you did on fast food on your driving trip to football, hunting, or a weekend at the beach. If you were a long-term planner you could start saving now and get to a big game in a few years.
You could stay in a luxury hotel too. That camper at Clemson could be put on the market now.
It didn’t take long before all of the brain trust decided that the ticket prices were not too high to discourage people from going to the Super Bowl. If they banded together they could charter a private jet and save a lot of travel time. Heck, renting the penthouse at the hotel would not add much to the bill. We were going to pay for this once in a lifetime experience over several years. Save up and the trip is paid for in advance. All you have to worry about is paying for your food. You have to eat no matter where you are.
With all that settled, we only have to decide whether we are going to the Super Bowl in 2025 or 2026. Then we started arguing who was supposed to pay for lunch.