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F.E. DuBose class honors law enforcement


In Dedication to the Late Judge James Dingle, F.E. DuBose Career Center Law Enforcement Services Class’ 4th Annual Law Enforcement Appreciation luncheon was given in honor of the men and women of law enforcement who serve the citizens of Clarendon County and Surrounding Counties. At this event, they also honored our local law enforcement officials who have died in recent years.

To begin this program, Dr. Lisa Justice, Director of F. E. Dubose, opened the luncheon with a greeting, then Abbiella Hodges and Tianna Ragin lit the candles for the candle lighting ceremony. Hailey Stewart welcomed all the attendees to this luncheon. Caiden Allen led the Pledge of Allegiance, which was followed by Miguel Dacosta with the Officer’s Memorial.

Dr. Brenda Clark beautifully sang “Wind Beneath My Wings.” Dr. Erica Murdaugh, Elementary Coordinator with Clarendon School District Two, then shared a prayer before lunch was served.

“Big T” entertained the guests during lunch.

Nnamdi Hopkins introduced the speaker, Mr. Lewis J. Swindler, Director of South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy. 

Awards were presented by law enforcement students, Jayden Blenman, Jimmy Hill, Tysheen Oliver and Zaria Rhames, then followed by a Special Presentation by Ms. Kimberly Johnson, Assistant Director of F. E. DuBose and Law Enforcement Advisory Board Member, for the Officer of the Year, Corporal Natalie J. Dingle, and to students &  staff. 

Dr. Justice and Ms. Johnson then presented a wood-carved logo plaque of the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy to Director Lewis J. Swindler.

This wonderful event was ended with a Prayer of Protection by Elder Rhounette Simon of The Master’s Place Ministries.