Tim Scott Question 3: Do you anticipate another Base Realignment and Closure?

One person attending the Town Hall at Cornerstone Fellowship Free Will Baptist Church noted the military’s importance to South Carolina, and asked Sen. Tim Scott if he anticipated another Base Realignment and Closure process in the next few years. "It's hard to envision it not happening. Under the current administration, there has been about a $1 trillion military cut. If you cut that amount out of the military, you're going to have a consolidation that occurs. That consolidation also leads to Base Realignment and Closure. We saw this coming for a while and South Carolina has been preparing for BRAC for more than six years. We have to have a way to make sure we sell why our bases are national resources. We have assets that matter, but we have to make sure the politics don't get in the way of that. We have to be vigilant and prepare to tell the story on why it's in America's best interest to have these assets."