Local News

Manning's content creator


Who is Urey Boisey?

Well, legally he is Jarret Williams, born and raised in Manning. Urey is a fictional character Williams created to help express his creativity.

Williams recalled, "The name came from the fact that my grandmother would call us a random name and expect us to answer. It sounds crazy but she raised 22 kids and each of them had multiple kids. There was always a bunch of us at her house and I guess she got tired of trying to remember all those darn names!"

Williams said, "I represent Manning Monarchs until I check out of here. My father is from Summerton and went to the Branch, but I grew up in Manning and was part of the school system. As a matter of fact, I lived in Jordan until I graduated high school."

Williams is a digital creator who now lives in Atlanta but still has tons of family in Clarendon County who he visits often.

Williams described what he does when he comes for a visit. "I love to go fishing and as you know, Clarendon County has Lake Marion! What better place to go Bass Fishing?''

When asked to describe his life as a content creator on the internet, Williams said, "The terms 'job' and 'career' are way different now from what they used to be and that is solely due to the internet. People can now create content (videos) and release them to the world without the need for a big movie production company behind them. Content creators are in control of what they release, when they release it, and how their creation gets released. In short- a digital creator, to me, is any person who creates content for release on social media platforms, such as Tik Tok, Facebook, etc. and gets paid from doing so. This is a very lucrative space, so parents encourage your children when they say things like , 'I want to be a youtuber or an influencer.' "

On Wednesday, Apr. 5, Williams (Boisey) called the office of The Manning Times to report a large fight at the high school and he delivered the news in such an interesting way that he recorded and posted it on his social media platform. At time of print the video on his facebook page had generated over 6.4 thousand views and 79 shares.


Williams gave some background to how his career began. He said, "I will tell you how all of this started. Somewhere around 2015 I decided I wanted to be a rapper. I tried with everything in me to be successful. I did songs with Young Dolph (may he rest in peace), Young Dro, Young Buck, Scotty ATL and many more, but I was not getting the attention I believed I deserved so I started coming up with clever ways to get people to pay attention to me as a person and one of those ways was by doing skits. I soon realized the numbers on the skits were soaring and the music was still poorly performing. I continued with skit creation and people naturally placed me in the comedian box. I don't consider myself a comedian, however in the public eye, I am that and I'm okay with it."

Despite moving to Atlanta, Williams remains a Clarendon native at heart.

He said, "I am interested in any and all things Clarendon County related. I live in Atlanta now and have been for a while, but my heart is always in and with Manning. Clarendon County is what made me who I am today so I truly cherish all the memories associated with growing up in a small town. The schools, the restaurants and the community play a huge part in shaping our adulthood. I try to keep that in mind and help in any way possible whenever I can. Although most of my content surrounding issues are comical, they still shed light on issues that need to be addressed."

To see some of Williams work, simply google #UreyBoisey TV or go to one of the links listed below:

