Political News

Budget passed at council meeting


Clarendon County Council met for its regularly scheduled meeting on Jun. 12. After the approval of the agenda and last month’s meeting, service awards were presented by Linda Lemon. There were two, the first to Shannon Griffin for five years of dedicated service as a Lieutenant to the Clarendon County Detention Center, and the second to Vanessa Johnson for twenty years of dedicated service as a collector for the Clarendon County Treasurer’s Office.

The floor was then opened to public comments. During the comments, a citizen asked again about the road signs and received the same answer as meetings before, the permanent signs have been ordered and will be placed as soon as they are received by the County. Two citizens mentioned the rising gun violence and aggressive dogs in their neighborhood off of Highway 261 in the Winter’s Hill Road neighborhood. They expressed concern for their own safety and their neighbors’ safety.

Deputy Administrator Ted Felderspoke on eight projects from paved and unpaved road maintenance, drainage projects, and for the City of Manning a resurfacing project. Felder spoke on the different projects for several different roads in the County and the Council acting as Clarendon County Transportation Committee approved all the requests unanimously.

Next, superintendent for the Clarendon County School District Dr. Shawn Johnson and Finance Director Cathy Williams  presented the request for approval of  the Clarendon School District Budget. There was no millage increase and the request for approval of the 46.1 million dollar budget passed unanimously.

The third and final readings of Ordinance 2023-01, an ordinance to provide for a levy of taxes for county purposes of Clarendon County, S.C. for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024 to direct the expenditures of said taxes and other funds for Clarendon County, and to provide for other matters related thereto including the administrative accountability procedures to be followed during implementation of the budget (operating and capital) for Clarendon County for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024 . This was passed unanimously.

A third and final reading of the Ordinance 2023-2, an ordinance to amend ordinance 2008-09, as amended by ordinance 209-14 and ordinance 2010-05, to authorize the county to enter into an enterprise financing agreement and/or issue revenue bonds, in one or more series, taxable or tax-exempt, in an aggregate amount not to exceed ($) to be paid from and secured by a pledge of an enterprise charge and/or hospitality fees collected by the County: approving the form and terms of certain documents in connection with the same: authorizing the county administrator to determine certain matters relating to the financing: providing for the payment of the financing and the disposition of the financing’s proceeds and providing for other related matters.  This ordinance was passed unanimously.  The Clarendon County Council will have its regularly scheduled meeting in July, the public as always is welcome to attend or live stream the meeting via Facebook.