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1045 results total, viewing 941 - 960
This morning Clarendon County Council is meeting to interview candidates virtually for the position of Clarendon County Administrator. Council hired the firm 'Find Great People' to help in the … more
The Manning Times interviewed Paul McCulloch, Director of the Clarendon County Recreation Department, about the upcoming little league season.   MT : How did you start getting into … more
Clarendon Hall: - Thursday, March 14 at 7:00pm, Varsity Only Baseball vs. Andrew Jackson - Friday, March 15 at 5:00pm, JV/V Baseball vs. Carolina Academy - Monday, March 18 at 5:00pm, … more

Manning Times: What inspired you to become a baseball coach and how did your personal experience with the sport influence your decision to pursue coaching? Curtis Johnson, East Clarendon … more
Our school nurse and Wellness Committee chair, Mrs. Dennis, has started a water drinking campaign with MJHS students and staff. She was able to use wellness funds from previous years to purchase … more
For Women’s History Month, we are celebrating women who have influenced, led, and cared for Clarendon County. This the first story in a three-part series, highlighting a “past” … more
Amid the rainy, windy conditions, a late-morning kicker lifted  Kyle Austin  to a final-day catch of 27 pounds, 8 ounces. That gave him a three-day total of 83-7 and a victory at the  … more

The Paxville community has successfully come together to complete a much-needed renovation to their community park and playground. With the support of the Clarendon County Junior Chamber of Commerce, … more
Senator Kevin Johnson has been recognized as a South Carolina Health Policy Fellow by the South Carolina Institute of Medicine & Public Health (IMPH). Senator Johnson was one of 13 members of the … more
On Aug. 18, 2022, several members of the Clarendon community and members of John Landon Black’s family announced the John Landon Black Foundation in honor of the young man’s memory after … more
Zach Birge is a professional bass fisherman who recently competed in the Major League Fishing Bass Pro Tour – Santee Cooper. This Stage Two tournament was held at John Land Landing in Clarendon … more

The Manning Lions Club is holding a panckae breakfast on Mar. 23 from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m.  more
There will be a walk to raise awareness for heart disease at Pocotaligo River Health and Rehab Center on Mar. 28 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. more
Laurence Manning - 15 Trinity Collegiate - 2 During an away game against Trinity Collegiate on Mar. 11, The Swampcats had a strong offensive start from the beginning face off, jumping out … more
The BRAVO Education Foundation grew out of the seeds of friendship between Barbara BRAdley and Maureen CalVO.  Barbara is a retired Speech and Language Therapist (32 years) and Maureen a retired … more

Stop 3 of the Bassmaster Opens was held on the Santee Cooper Lakes this past weekend.    Local fishing guide and Bassmaster EQ Angler, Kyle Austin, secured the win on the home … more
Electric rates for Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) customers would increase in 2024 and 2026 resulting in 17.5% (residential) and 11.9% (general service) higher rates if approved by the SC Public Service … more
The Clarendon County Pilot Club had lots of Valentine’s Day fun at the Pocotaligo Center. Artist Jackie Chalfant from Columbia came to the Fun Social Event at the Buyck Barn and members painted … more
WALLY is a 3 year old, brown and white, male, Hound Mix. Wally weighs around 45 pounds. He is heartworm negative, up-to-date on all vaccinations, and has been neutered! Wally is one of the sweetest … more

Gov. Henry McMaster signed legislation on March 7 making South Carolina the 29th state in the nation to allow residents to carry handguns without a permit ... more
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