Q&A with Miss Clarendon Drue Floyd Part 3

The Junior Ambassadors came up with a series of questions for Miss Clarendon 2016 Drue Floyd and presented her answers to The Manning Times so that the public could get to know her better during her reign this year. Floyd, 19, an East Clarendon High School graduate, is currently in Columbia, competing this week in the Miss South Carolina pageant. Finals will be televised from 8-10:30 p.m. Saturday on WACH-Fox. WHAT IS YOUR SECRET WISH OR DREAM? Become a Victoria’s Secret model. I have always wanted to be an angel since I was a little girl. IS THERE A PERSONAL CONNECTION THAT MADE YOU PICK YOUR PLATFORM? I have a five-year personal connection with my platform. The students involved in East Clarendon’s Project Unify helped change my life, so I want to help change the lives of others who do not yet understand the importance of this group. WHAT DO YOU THINK HAS BEEN THE MOST SIGNIFICANT EVENT IN YOUR LIFETIME? The moment I realized I could not teach the students involved with Project Unifty more than they could teach me. It was a learning and growing experience that has changed me as a person for the better. WHAT MOTIVATES YOU? I am motivated by the strength and courage of others. When I see someone who is struggling in life but who continues to keep their faith and pushes on, it makes me want to do the same and continue through any difficult times. THE ONE THING YOU CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT IS? My family. Family means everything to me, and without them, I would be lost. YOUR BEST FRIEND WOULD DESCRIBE YOU AS … ? Responsible and caring. I am one who loves to do what is right while having a huge heart. SOMETHING INTERESTING ABOUT YOUR FAMILY? We are all girls except for my father. I have two younger sisters, two female dogs, a mother and all-female chickens. I say that my dad is one lucky man! WHAT IS THE FUNNIEST OR MOST EMBARRASSING THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO YOU? I was once walking through a store with my best friend, Victoria. I was standing by the window looking at the items on display. Before I could turn around Victoria had smashed my face into the window and, of course, everyone had to turn and look at what was going on. I was so embarrassed. I believe I turned every shade of red. ONE THING YOU’D LIKE TO TRY THAT IS OUT OF CHARACTER? I would like to go skydiving. I am not one for heights, but skydiving is one thing I have always wanted to try. TELL US ABOUT YOUR PETS. I have two family pets and one pet of my own. The two family pets are Madison, a dachshund, and Molly, a Boston terrier. My very own pet is Diesel, a black lab.