Church News

Presbyterian Church to honor New Zion and Alcolu ministers at Morris College event


The Christian Education Division of Goodwill Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), along with other congregations in the New Harmony Presbytery, will be honoring two esteemed ministers, Rev. Carnell Hampton and Rev. Dr. Franklin D. Colclough. These two honorably retired ministers will be recognized for their exceptional contributions to ministry and community service spanning more than five decades. The celebratory event will take place on Saturday, February 24th, at Morris College.

Rev. Carnell Hampton, a graduate of Goodwill Parochial School, has been a symbol of faith and leadership within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). His commitment to the spiritual growth of his community is reflected in his service as Vice President of the Goodwill Cultural Center and as a celebrated clergyman noted in the Congressional Record. Rev. Hampton is the Moderator and Supply Pastor for Ebenezer Presbyterian (Dalzell) and Friendship (New Zion).

Rev. Dr. Franklin D. Colclough’s illustrious career within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is marked by 42 years of dedicated service, including 23 years to the Presbytery of New Harmony, culminating in his retirement. His academic pursuits at Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary and Johnson C. Smith University have been instrumental in shaping his ministry. His ministry is characterized by his role as a retired military chaplain and his service as a Moderator and Supply Pastor for Harmony Presbyterian (Alcolu), and Cousar Memorial Presbyterian Church (Bishopville).

The celebration of these two venerable ministers is a remarkable event for the community in recognition of their unwavering dedication to their faith and congregations and a reflection of their broader impact on the communities they have served. Both men have been instrumental in shaping countless individuals’ spiritual lives and fostering a sense of unity and purpose within their respective ministries.

As the New Harmony Presbytery and the Christian Education Division of Goodwill Presbyterian Church prepare to honor these two faithful servants, the community is encouraged to reflect on the profound legacy they leave behind. Their combined century of ministry is a testament to their commitment to Jesus Christ’s teachings and the Presbyterian Church’s mission of spreading the Gospel and serving others.

The forthcoming celebration is a time to honor Rev. Hampton and Rev. Dr. Colclough’s accomplishments and an opportunity for the community to come together in gratitude for their service. For more information, contact Rev. Alonzo Washington at .