Ouzts named Summerton Rotarian of the Year

Summerton Rotary Club members selected longtime member and past president Rock Ouzts last week to be their Rotarian of the Year. A native of Edgefield, Ouzts came to Manning in June 1995. He attended the College of Charleston and received his pharmacy degree from the University of South Carolina in Columbia. When he entered pharmacy school in the early 1980s, he began working with Hawthorne Pharmacy in Columbia, and eventually became a pharmacist there. He worked there from 1981 until moving to Manning with his family in the mid-1990s. He worked there from 1981 until moving to Manning with his family in the mid-1990s. He is now co-owner of Anderson Pharmacy, where he said he enjoys helping patients, even after hours. “The most rewarding for me is helping someone after hours,” he said in a file story. “That’s when you know you’re really making a difference. Anyone can go anywhere between 8 (a.m.) and 6 (p.m.), but if you seek out just that pharmacy after hours, that really says something.”