One of my friends had the perfect idea for a vacation. She would fantasize about taking her entire family and go to a swanky hotel. The whole family would go out to dinner and then come back to the hotel and sit in the lobby and talk.
She never did go on that kind of a vacation. It was an interesting idea though. Imagine strutting around in a graciously appointed lobby that reminded you of the Hall of Mirrors, Blenheim Castle or something eloquent. You could wear your most sartorial stunning outfit and converse with the most interesting people in the world. No subject would be off limits. Imagine freely conversing about, politics, religion, and literature or speak about the books displayed in the bookcases that lined the walls of the beautiful lobby. Wine and fruit would adorn a little cart that you could partake of. What an evening of free wheeling conversation.
I love a good conversation. The idea of sitting in the lobby and talking is rather intriguing. Just recently I spent the night at an old hotel. The building was built in 1905 and had been a hotel since the 1920’s. The elevator was one of only three elevators of the type that still worked in the United States. The guest rooms were appointed as if they should belong at your grandmother’s house. My wife said she thought the place looked like a place you might see in an Alfred Hitchcock movie.
The lobby wasn’t big but it was interesting. It did have bookcases filled with old books and some rather special and odd-looking artwork. The lobby also looked like it could be from an Alfred Hitchcock movie also.
After dinner four of us stopped in the lobby to look at the wine and fruit cart that was sitting in the middle of a seating area. Another person joined us too. The conversation started with where you’re from and somehow ended up on the fifth person’s family. Her grandmother had thirty-six grandchildren. She was the youngest grandchild. She wore a religious symbol that her grandmother had given her. It was the goddess Hekete.
Of course, I had to look up this goddess. Supposedly, I was looking up the goddess of the crossroads. Either through misspelling or something; I ended up with an Egyptian goddess with the head of a frog and represented fertility. A little more research and sure enough the goddess of the crossroads came through. Hecate was the goddess of the night, magic, spells, the moon, crossroads and ghosts. I didn’t get much information about Hecate from my new friend. It seems the grandmother had told all sorts ghost stories about the Appalachian Mountains but how these stories with the goddess of the crossroads still remains a mystery to me.
The conversation slowed down and our conversation group disbanded. It was an interesting evening though. I heard some interesting tales and two characters to study upon. The goddess of the crossroads does sound like an interesting person if I can find out about the ghosts and spells and magic.
Turned out to be a fun evening of sitting in the lobby and talk. The next time I get a chance to do this I’m going to wear a tie. Hopefully, everyone will be dressed up and it can be like an old movie with people just sitting in the lobby.