Political News

Manning City Council approves major purchases and ordinances


The Manning City Council convened for its regular meeting on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at Manning City Hall, addressing a range of financial, legislative, and developmental matters.

The meeting began with introductory remarks, an invocation, and the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the approval of the meeting’s agenda. The council approved minutes from the previous regular meeting and a budget workshop held on April 9, 2024.

Mayor Nelson presented a Key to the City to Senator Kevin L. Johnson (D-Dist. 36) in recognition of his role in securing a $1 million grant for the Church Street Town Centre project. The council also acknowledged National Safe Boating Week and National Police Week.

In the public hearing session, the council approved a Rural Development project for purchasing updated radios and new police cruisers for the city’s public safety departments. A proposed text amendment to the zoning ordinance, requiring eating and drinking establishments in the Core Commercial District to cease operations by midnight, also passed.

The Finance Director, Mayor, and City Administrator presented their respective reports. The council proceeded to old business, where the second reading of Zoning Ordinance No. 2024-01T, mandating the midnight closure of certain venues, was approved.

New business items included the first reading of Ordinance No. 2024-01, which aims to raise revenue and levy taxes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025. The council also passed an addendum to the Employer Resolution for Participation in the State Insurance Benefits Program, extending coverage to municipal council members.

The council approved several capital purchases: two police vehicles with associated equipment costing $171,400, upgraded radios for public safety at $117,200, body armor for the police department for $7,000, and a mini excavator priced at $80,000, a reduction from the initially proposed $143,800. Additionally, the council approved the transfer of $7,000 from the well repair and maintenance line item to the sewer repair and maintenance line item, and $3,220 from the utilities water meters line item to the wells and tanks chemicals line item.

Council members offered their comments before the meeting moved into an executive session. Following the session, no further actions were taken, and the meeting adjourned.

The next City of Manning Council meeting will be held in June. Residents can visit the city’s Facebook page or their website, cityofmanning.org, for more information.