Laurence Manning Academy’s Dancing with the Swampcats returns January 25


On January 25, at 7 p.m., Laurence Manning Academy (LMA) will host its third annual Dancing with the Swampcats at Weldon Auditorium. The event, inspired by the hit television show Dancing with the Stars, pairs student-athletes with local dance students for a night of fun, friendly competition, and fundraising for the LMA Booster Club.

“This is actually just our third one,” said Ella Clark, LMA’s Director of Communications. “We have 11 couples this year. [Male participants] can play any sport—we’ve had fishing, shotgun team, soccer, basketball—it doesn’t matter as long as they participate in athletics at Laurence Manning.”

The event brings together student dancers and athletes from ninth to twelfth grade. Dancers hail from Carolina Dance Academy, Dance Wells, and Miss Libby’s School of Dance. “I love that we have girls who take dance lessons at no less than four outside local studios, and they all come together as one,” said Dixie Elliott, owner of Carolina Dance Academy and co-creator of the event.

Preparation for the event starts in October when duos are formed. Each pair selects their own music and choreographs their routine, with costumes and music approved by organizers. “Some start practicing right away, while others wait until two or three weeks before,” said Clark. “At least a few kids every year discover talents they didn’t know they had. It gives them a chance to step out of their comfort zone and show what they can do.”

Elliott praised the students’ enthusiasm and willingness to embrace the challenge. “The boys really get into learning the choreography, practicing, and performing,” she said. “I overheard one of the male contestants say, ‘I haven’t sweated this much since football practice!’ That says a lot!”

Last year’s event raised $35,000, and organizers hope to exceed that total this year. “Our goal is to meet or exceed [last year’s total],” Clark said. “The support these students get is remarkable. The crowd comes out, and they truly support them.”

Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for students if purchased in advance through the school or from participants. At the door, tickets are $30 for adults and $15 for students. “It’s not only a super fun time for these kids and an amazing fundraiser for the Booster Club, but also a very entertaining evening for anyone who comes to watch,” said Elliott.

For more information, contact Laurence Manning Academy or visit their Facebook page.