The Clarendon County School District Board of Trustees met on August 5 at Manning High School, addressing several significant items on their agenda, including policy updates, financial reports, and facility fees.
The meeting began at 5:30 p.m. with an invocation led by Elder Joseph Postell, who prayed for guidance and blessings for the school district as the new academic year begins. Following the invocation, the Board quickly moved through the approval of the agenda and the minutes from the previous meeting held on July 8, 2024.
During the public comment section, Elena Lemon, a former Vice President of Human Services for the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), expressed gratitude on behalf of the organization for the support provided by the district, which allowed students to attend national and state conferences. Two students who competed and placed on the national level were also recognized.
One of the main agenda items discussed was an update on the facility request application fees. After a brief discussion, the Board approved a modest increase in the fees, which had been reviewed by the members prior to the meeting.
The Office of Finance presented the June financial report, revealing local revenue of $31,865.75 for the month, and year-to-date revenue totaling $14,122,825.63. State revenue for the month was reported at $2,727,877.79, contributing to a year-to-date total of $29,285,951.34. The Board approved the second and final reading of the district’s procurement code policy after reviewing the financial figures.
Updates were also provided by the Office of Instruction, where the Board was informed about the progress in early childhood and secondary instruction, including the receipt of a new grant and ongoing efforts to apply for additional funding. The Board also approved the first reading of “Gavin’s Law,” which address sexual extortion involving staff and students, a move aimed at strengthening the district’s stance on the use of technology in such cases.
The Board entered an executive session to discuss student transfer requests, employee matters, and legal advice. Upon returning to open session, they approved the recommendations made during the closed-door meeting.
Board member Dr. Miller concluded the session by acknowledging the Rotary Club for their efforts in organizing a program featuring South Carolina Teacher of the Year Brady Wilson. The program, which took place the Friday before the first day of school, was praised as an uplifting event for teachers.
The meeting adjourned following a motion. The next Clarendon County School Board of Trustees meeting will be held on September 16 at Manning High School.