CHARLESTON, SC (01/30/2025)-- The dean's list is a recognition given to cadets and students who are registered for 12 or more semester hours and whose grade point average is 3.20 or higher, with no grade of I (Incomplete) and no grade below C for work in a semester.
James Bruner of Summerton, SC named to fall 2024 dean's list
Jackson Clemmons of Manning, SC named to fall 2024 dean's list
Harrison Sargent of Turbeville, SC named to fall 2024 dean's list
About The Citadel
The Citadel, with its iconic campus located in Charleston, South Carolina, offers a classic military college education for young men and women focused on leadership excellence and academic distinction. The approximately 2,300 members of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets are not required to serve in the military, but about one-third of each class earn commissions to become officers in every branch of U.S. military service. Citadel alumni have served the nation, their states and their communities as principled leaders since 1842. The Citadel Graduate College offers dozens of graduate degree, graduate certificate and evening undergraduate programs in the evening or online. The Citadel has been named the Best Regional University in the South, the Best Public University in the South by U.S. News & World Report for 14 years and No. 1 Best Public College for Veterans in the South for seven years. Learn more about The Citadel here.