With a name like “Be Pro, Be Proud SC” you are sure to grab the attention of the community. That is exactly what Governor McMaster hopes to do with his new initiative to focus on professional vocational education in South Carolina to create a stronger workforce.
One of the 244 stops on the tour is F.E. DuBose in Clarendon County. When the truck pulls in, students will be able to access over fourteen training programs, be exposed to fifteen different vocational professions, and have the opportunity to learn about more than fifty-eight employment opportunities in South Carolina.
“Be Pro, Be Proud SC” is all about reinforcing the value of the trade skills programs in our state. F.E. DuBose has been a longtime supporter of this movement even before the Be Pro, Be Proud program rolled out. High school and college students can attend many different programs through F.E. DuBose which allows them to earn certifications that make them more marketable to industries in our area who are hiring.
The 53-foot expandable trailer will be located at F.E. DuBose October 20th. Students will be able to participate in simulations of trades such as truck driving, welding, carpentry, and forklift operating, among others. In addition to stopping at F.E. DuBose, there are plans of the trailer making stops at several middle and high schools in the Clarendon County area.
Bringing pride back to the vocational field has been center-stage in South Carolina over the last few years. “Be Pro, Be Proud SC” is just one way of doing just that. For more information about the program, you can contact F.E. DuBose directly or visit the website: www.beprobeproudsc.org.