Political News

Art awards given to students at county council meeting


On Monday, Oct. 9, Clarendon County Council met for its regularly scheduled meeting. This month’s meeting was held in Summerton. The November meeting will be held in Turbeville.

The first order of business was approval of the agenda and approval of last month’s regular council meeting minutes. Public comments were then opened. There was one person on the sign-in sheet to speak: Don Bethune, who asked about the salary of and holding of two positions of David Epperson. Epperson is the Clarendon County Council Administrator and County Attorney. It was reported by another news source that Epperson writes his own contracts. Bethune questioned how Epperson could hold both positions and write his own contract. He also questioned who sets the salary for Epperson. Clarendon County Council Chairman Dwight Stewart responded to the question by stating, “That is not true.” He followed up by stating again “David does not set his own salary, we (referring to County Council) discuss it with him, but the council has the ultimate approval. We negotiate with him, so whatever you have read about David setting his own salary is not true.”


Things calmed down after the public comments section and council moved on to board appointments. The council voted unanimously to reappoint Stacey R. McInnis to the Clarendon County Assessment Appeals Board to serve a two year term.

The council moved on to act as the Clarendon County Transportation Committee and heard a request from Ted Felder, the Deputy Administrator, for a $36,200 quote to repair a storm drain in the Pine Knoll Subdivision. Felder stated that this was an emergency situation and requested approval. The request was approved unanimously. Council then went back to the regular Council meeting and recognized the winners of the “I love my County art contest” that was put together with assistance from the Clarendon County Voter’s Registration and Clarendon County Library System. Children from Kindergarten to twelfth grade were encouraged to participate. 

The winners were as follows:

First place in the Kindergarten through Fourth Grade was Payton Coker. For the Fifth through Eighth Grade category was Noemi Fleitas. For Ninth grade through Twelfth Grade was Nathaniel Davis.

Honorable mention for Kindergarten through Fourth Grade was Franchesca Castro, for Fifth through Eighth Grade was Roxie Belle Hardy, and for Ninth through Twelfth Grade, Ahmari Abraham took home the honorable mention.

County Council will meet in November for its regularly scheduled council meeting.