Letters To Santa


Dear Santa Claus,


I am Giau Pham I am 10 years old. I really want to see for Christmas and I would to have 4 wishes. My first wish is a big  giant LOL surprise. My 2 wish is a nintendo switch with so games. My first to last wish is let my brother pass all his test and that test he have to stay at school on Tuesday for that GT Test. My last wish is getting an Iphone X. Dear Santa Claus I know that is a lot but I would for all that stuff to come true.


                                                                                        To: Santa Claus


                                                                                        From: Giau Pham

                                                                                         Age: 10 years old

      Manning Elementary School, 5th grade

      Mrs. Dowell’s class


Dear Santa Claus,


I am a nine year old girl that loves your elves! Mine is amazing. Ali is great! She does crazy things like put underwear on our snowman!!!! But i love her <3


1. I want another elf

2. Trampoline

3. Nice cloths

4. ITunes

5. And lots of candy :P



Hannah Logan Holladay

Manning Elementary School, 5th grade

Mrs. Harrelson’s class

                                   Thank you

                                   Love You!!


By Brian Branham

Age 10

5th grade Manning Elementary School

Mrs. Harrelson’s class


Dear Santa,

So you are going to come to my house?? So you can bring me something good that I wanted?? If so then you can come but if not you can't because you would be coming in my house for no reason. And that would be weird. But thank you for letting my elf come back. Well I want a new football please get me it . And why do you not let anyone see you but you are so famous.


Your friend,

Brian Branham


Dear Santa,                                                     Manning Elementary School, 5th grade

      Mrs. Harrelson’s class


Hi I am Linda Strickland I am 11 years old. I just wanted to ask if you and Mrs.Claus were doing fine, oh can you also tell the elf I said hi. We got our elf a day before my birthday I think I am not sure what day again. Our elf moves a lot on the weekend he moves when we asleep when were at school it moves when we gone to school,it’s weird but I’m fine with it. Our elf doesn’t do anything sweet but I still love him, he is clemson and has blonde hair. I also wanted to talk about what I wanted for Christmas, I really want a  guitar because I want to learn how to play it, I also want a laptop so I can write stories. I have a lot of other things I want but I am not going to list them all. I am so excited for Christmas I can hardly wait.


                                                    Your friend,

                                                    Linda Strickland


Dear Santa,                                                        Manning Elementary School, 5th grade

Mrs. Harrelson’s class


I have been very good this year (in my opinion). How are things in the North Pole? At my house my elves are making me and my family laugh. Today they got out 2 plates and 2 teacups. They poured some pink juice in the teacups and got some toast and put red frosting and sprinkles on top of the toast. Then they wrote a note that said “We made Breakfast”. Yesterday my elves took my brothers old toy cars, got 2 small sponges, and wrote a note that said “Elfs Car Wash”. They had cars lined up all around them. I can’t wait for Christmas. It is my favorite holiday (other than my birthday). I am going to the mountains for Christmas which is even more exciting! If I am in the mountains on Christmas day can you                                                                                                                                     come to the cabin we are in? I want a lot of things for Christmas. I can’t really name the things I want for Christmas because there is a lot and this would be an even longer letter so I have it written down at home (but only a little bit of what I want for Christmas). I hope you have a good Christmas.


Your Friend,

Mary-Esther McCabe  Age:11


Dear Santa,


I only want a few things for Christmas and I will tell you.

  1. A Corgi puppy

  2. A dog bed

  3. A dog leash

  4. A dog collar

  5. A dog blanket

  6. A dog bowl with Bailey on it

  7. A dog brush

  8. toys


By: Jordanna Marissa Porter

Age: 10

Manning Elementary School, 5th grade

Mrs. Dowell’s class


Dear Santa,

Hey it's Hailey F and if you don't mind could I have an elf kit for myself, a chicken house for my baby chicks, a goat house for my 13 goats, a duck house and two other things if you don't mind a new pair of scrubs navy blue and new tools for dad.



                                                                                      Hailey Foraker 11

       Manning Elementary School, 5th grade

Mrs. Dowell’s class