Letters To Santa


3rd Ms. Alston’s Class

 Grade Manning Primary School

Dear Santa, 

This year our class has decided to think about others during the holiday season. We have discussed a few things we would like to see you bring to our community, our school and our classroom this Christmas. 

We would like to see our community show more compassion. We wish that people in our community will continue to help each other, especially during this cold winter. We hope you will encourage others to help in ways such as volunteering at churches and shelters, and helping feed the homeless. 

We would like to see more integrity in our school. Students and teachers at our school work hard and always do the right thing, even when no one is watching (but the elves are ALWAYS watching). We would also like to see students at our school continue to practice kind manners this Christmas by saying thank you when they receive gifts from teachers and other classmates.

We would also like you to continue to encourage us to spread kindness throughout our classroom this holiday season. We know that we all come from different backgrounds, and we all may celebrate the holidays differently. However, we know that you would want us to respect and embrace each other’s differences. 

We all have lots of toys and video games on our individual list, but as a class these are the things we wish for Christmas. 


Zachary, Michael, Brady, Allen, Isaac, S’amyra, Alisson, Diane, Jamari, Jalainey, Jacob, Celia, Kayle, Allen,Visa, Demarri, .Allen, Margarito

Ms. Alston’s Class

2nd and 3rd Grade Manning Primary

Ms. Ciceu, Mr. Morales, Ms. Hilton, Ms. Williams

Dear Santa, 

I would like an entire army of soldiers, hot wheel collection, hot wheel suitcase, a dog, and a big boat because I have been very good. P.S. Please don’t forget about loud house figures. 


Bryce Felber 

Dear Santa, 

I would like a four wheeler, Xbox 360, a phone, a laptop, a racecar, PlayStation 1, an Ipad, new pair of shoes, new bike, my own T.V, a dirt bike, toy trucks, and hot wheels because I have been good.


Michael Fisher

Dear Santa, 

I was really good this year. I helped my mom and I was good in school. Could you please bring me an Ipad, Foozball table, scotter and pokemon cards fur Christmas.



Dear Santa, 

For this Christmas I want a PlayStation 4, a four wheeler and my own bed.  I want all this because I did my work and I wrote in my blue notebook.



Dear Santa, 

I’ve been good all year. I want for Christmas is 4 wheeler, make up kit and jewellery kit for Christmas.



Dear Santa, 

For Christmas this year I want a present, a Christmas tree and a bed to sleep and pillows and covers. I want all this because I was listening to my mom and my teachers.

Sincerely , 


Dear Santa, 

I’ve been good all year I want  for Christmas is animal toy for Christmas.



Dear Santa, 

I’ve been good all year. I want for Christmas is I pahd walkie talkie.


Johthan Hrrs

Dear Santa, 

I hope you had a good year. I had a good year and I was a good boy all year. Could you please bring me a Xbox 1, I pad, 2 remote control trucks, mickey mouse clothes for a boy.



3rd grade Manning Primary Mrs. Woodard

Dear Santa, 

My name is Tayvian. “I” know that you know my name areriate. But late me stop talling about that. Santa “I” whis bad this year and mybe laste year to. But “I” am shoiuing to be good this year. I like I am around bad kids and not around good kids. But I am said that I am need to be by good kids.



Dear Santa, 

I wot a game for my ninedg siwedg and I wot a bule cand did kan. And I wot a toys fort 2 and smo t shopt. Love Milik McFadden.

Sincerely Milik McFadden

Dear Santa, 

I have miss you so much Santa. When you come hieir I will take a piceh with you. I am so reading for you to come to my house what I won’t for Christmas I won’t a baby boll, a bike, and some clothes and sowe.


Ana Griffin

Dear Santa,

I want a dirt bike for Christmas. I really want to get out the house. I really need to get out the house and do boy stuff like pop a wheelie.


By Stacy

Dear Santa, 

I want for Christmas is a LOL LOL surprise and a laptop and a jojo siwa pocketbook, an iphone cases and a microphone.



Dear Santa I want a Legos to bild and a remot controller tractor and a ortoment tractor.


Gabriel Barrett

Dear Santa, 

I went a wheelie, iphone, xbox.



Dear Santa,

I wut a big nif and a drrtik and a drtabs and a drrtik kqs.



Dear Santa,

I love you Snta. I hopy I wel bey gubu and I love you Santa an u prayire hify hepumey to I we cim c remerah I be not hue in you the robrteg n mobmotty .



2nd Grade Manning Primary

Mrs. Baltzegar

Dear Santa, 

How big is the elve. How tall are the reindeer. I gave cookies on Chritsmas, I good sometime and Jessie sarajo wyatt my mom my dad canen my nene pap me ay Christmas. Can you gave a ipod a bul and a gatar.

From Gavin

Dear Santa, 

What dose your reindeer do? What is mr.Claus doing? I will leven cookies.  I want a bike. I want a clothe and shok.

Can you come soon, 

Love Nyla

Dear Santa, 

Are you real? Do you get cookies at night? Do Rudolph leed the slid? I what a big car. I what or elve star back to or school. I what a pizza. Santa why or you fat?

By: Shamarion

Dear Santa, 

Does Rudolph have a red nose. Do you have a slay. I like the colre of his slay. What the elvs nams. Can I a new bike and a soere.

Love Zytraous Champane

Dear Santa, 

Can you fly the slaehl? Can you make toys? Do you have elves? Is miss Claus fly the slaehl with you? So you and your elves makes the toys? What I what for Christmas can I gait a baby cat? Do you fly the rudolphs? And can you and miss claus can gavitv. And can you go to thw home and can you bring me a toy cat. And I well life you cookiss for Christmas.

From: Verlicia Hilton

Dear Santa, 

Do Mrs. Claus say you rar fat? Santa do the elves make the presents? Can I gat a cat? Do you livk hot sauce? I lik paet ball gons. I well lev mec and coeges. See you soon Santa,

Love Bryson

Dear Santa, 

What is Mrs. Clas dowing and the reindrees? Get me somting pleas. Love you santa. I want a hover dord.

I want a big posy sapris. I want a slime kite. I want a lovea baal dol.l I want some close.  I will have you some cookes. I miss stare.

Love Skai

Dear Santa, 

I will make cookies four you and Mrs.Claus and I how all of your reindeer names. And do your rinbeed loves carrots for them and I will leve cookils for you and I want a toy like and balls and dinosaur toys for me and my sister. 

Love Aeriel

Dear Santa, 

How you eat all this cookie at one time? How many reindeer do you have? Do you have 8 reindeers? I like you, give me a iphone. And a piant set and play baby. You are cool And kdeens I love you Santa.

By: Trinity

Dear Santa, 

How many elves do you have because I want to know. I know you a lots of elves. Do you have 1000 elves? How many reindeers do you have? Do you have 8 reindeers. That’s what I thank. How much things do you thank he have? Do you wehigt a lot bacuse I want to know how big are you? Do you like what kind of drank you have? Can you bring me a robot and some books and wii games and xbox games. Thanks

Love: Lance

Dear Santa, 

So Mrs. Claus ried with you on Christmas? So youre reindeer gired youre sleigh when you put presents in house? And I must stare go much is she come bake on Monday? Ow much elf do you have store we are soorey for not lisneg we whet you to come bake on Monday and I wall put coois and make. 

 Love Eriyanah Munn

Dear Santa, Do your reindeer fly? Wat do you do own sumer. Can I get a laptop? Can I get a doll hows? Can I get dolls? Can I get a seweses? Can I get a puppy? I love you so much.

From Nevaeh

Dear Santa,

I know you are so fat. So I will go esey on you this year. I woat a fowillow and hawadold and that is wat I woat for Christmas. Santa wat is your favorite meil? I think it is cookes! You love cookies! and Santa can you tell star I am sorry I miss her please santa. I miss her so much. Can Star come bake on Monday. Plese can you do it? I miss star. 

Love Niasia Randell

Dear Santa Are your elves magic? Santa can you fly? Can ytour elves fly? Are you god’s brother? Can I get a lego niga go toy xbox one? I will get you santa. 

Love Kyle Richburg

Dear Santa, 

Santa are you releen? Can you get me a toy? I have been a good boy. How much efens do you get? I wut a nerg gun and a xbox 1.


Naeem Robinson

Dear Santa, 

Do you have snow? How big is the snow? Is frosty the snowman? Were us Santa? Is the elves working? When is it Christmas yet? What do you eat? Is Rudolph reel? No can I have a dirt bike yes bebe shot gun. Niinju swords. Dir santa love you play staishin. How big are you?

By: Hunter Taylor

Dear Santa, 

Do you have 30010000 elfs? And do you love good peple? Santa I love elf and you to. And I just what my fallmy and a uoncon doll and my fallmy is nice and kind. Come faist I love you Santa.

Love Mylah York