Letter: Reader comments on recent drug bust

All of these folks need our prayers and help. I do not know any of them, but to wish harm on anyone for having an addiction is wrong. Drug addiction is a disease; so is alcoholism; so is smoking. While I agree our courts don’t always do what is best, I do think they do what they can in most cases. In our area of South Carolina, you will not find the most qualified judges as in other areas. You also will not find the best facilities to deal with drug abuse or the victims. You won’t find enough places to put them, either. You will find people doing the best they can with what they have. I know that is no excuse, but good people do get bad at times. Reading some of the comments on this post, it seems a lot of you are in more need of help than some of those that are charged with the crime. I know first-hand what it’s like to have friends and family that do or did drugs, not what these guys were doing. Meth is probably a worse drug than most. I have lost friends to overdoses. I know some that are addicted to painkillers. I realize that most who that can’t afford their fixes will turn to stealing to keep their habits. I dislike a thief as much or more than the next guy. To y’all that are wishing death from an overdose, you may want to be careful in what you wish for. It can come back to your home or someone close to you one day. I ain’t saying you can pray this away or if prayer will help these young people, but it certainly will not hurt to try it. God bless all. MOYE GRAHAM Greeleyville