EC valedictorian: 'Shoot for the stars'


East Clarendon High School valedictorian Jessica Daisy Altman encouraged her fellow graduates June 2 to take the time to thank someone who helped them along their life's journey.

"Many graduating today have been together since kindergarten," she said. "Together, they faced their first math problems and reading selections. Many made their first best friend and stuck by them til now. They've had fun at recess and field day. There has been no shortage of trips. Together, they've visited Dixie Stampede, Charleston and Washington, D.C."

"After fifth grade promotion, it was time to move to middle school, where we were no longer the big shots of school," Altman said. "We had climbed to the top only to find ourselves back at the bottom. This was the time that I joined everyone else, and I believe no one was ever as terrified as I was in that moment. Quickly, I was welcomed by the overwhelming kindness and generosity of the people who go here. I am truly proud to be a Wolverine and thankful for the opportunity to graduate with such amazing individuals.

She said that high school has been a time for making some of their best memories.

"Within these halls, we have learned while having fun," she said. "Not a day went by that a joke was not shared and a laugh exchanged. In this gym, we sat through many pep rallies, talent shows and performances. We have danced the night away at prom. We have worn and laughed at the outfits worn during spirit week and Beta Club induction. We have pulled pranks and have been the receivers of pranks. We have cheered until our voices were hoarse. I have been in stands when our little school has out-cheered much larger schools. Many have played these games to the best of their abilities and left everything on the field."

Altman said that growing up with one another made the graduates the people they are today.

"Friendships have been made and strengthened inside and outside of these walls," she said. "We have gained character skills like dependability, independence, honesty, integrity and courage. I think we can all agree that we are not the same people that we were at the beginning of middle school. I know that I am not that shy, little girl I once was."

Altman said that, for all the memories, it is now time for graduates to move on to the next chapter in their lives.

"We have survived the long school days and hard tests," she said. "We have ultimately made it to this great milestone and what an achievement this truly is."

Altman asked her fellow graduates to think about how they want to be remembered.

"While many of us will not make a large effect on the world, we will touch individuals lives from day to day," she said. "I plead with you to strive to do your very best in everything you to strive to do your very best in everything you do. It is true that anything worth doing is worth giving your all. As you follow your path, have courage and reach for your goals. NO one can keep down someone who is determined to make their dreams happen."

Altman encouraged her fellow graduates to be an example for others to follow.

"Show others that there is no idea too small or dream too big," she said. "Follow your passions and continue growing. The first thing that you set your mind on may not be meant for you. Don't be afraid to change your mind down the road. As humans, we are constantly growing, which means something that you once loved may not be meant for you anymore. If you are 50 and want to pursue something new, than do it."

"Life is too short to be unhappy," Altman continued. "Remember to live in the moments because eventually they will just be memories. Through this journey in life, find people who encourage you to be your very best. Surround yourself with people who uplift you. Someone once said, 'Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don't see it in yourself.'"

Altman closed with Philippians 4:13, saying, "I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me."

"I know that there will be mountains to face, but you will come out victorious on the other side," she said. "Trials make us better, stronger people. I hope that through this journey in life, you find happiness and passion.I ask that you remember this: Don’t let anyone, even yourself, keep you from pursuing your dreams."