We are the American family

We are shaken by the events of Wednesday, the shooting in Alexandria. My prayers remain with my friend, Steve Scalise, and his family, as well as Zack Barth, the congressional staffer, Matt Mika, who was volunteering at the baseball field, and the two brave police officers, Crystal Greiner and David Bailey. We seem to have forgotten how to disagree without being disagreeable. And today's shooting is one of the manifestations of that. We are simply Americans blessed by God to be a part of the American family. The polarization that pulls on the fabric of this great country is very, very dangerous. Too often, we find ourselves splitting into smaller factions. We stop listening to others' points of view. We react immediately with hostility, doubting the very intentions of folks who do not agree with your perspective. This is very dangerous for our future. We must work together ensuring opportunity for all, not profiting from the division in this nation, not looking for ways to get more clicks on our pages. And why is that? Well, it's simple. Because America is stronger than this. America is better than this. We are the American family, and we must let love be the light to show us the way.