Tips to survive cold and flu season

Many people have jobs that require them to be around other people in confined areas throughout the cold and flu season. Whether it is a doctor, a teacher, or a nanny, these people have had to learn tricks on how to avoid catching a cold or the flu. Take some advice on how to stay healthy so you, can avoid getting sick this season. The most important thing to do is to get a flu shot. This is your first line of defense against the flu. It is also critically important to wash your hands thoroughly and often. You may not even be aware that you have come in contact with someone who is contagious, so it is imperative to wash your hands on a regular basis. In addition to this, avoid touching your face or putting your fingers in your mouth or near your eyes. The germs that may be on your hands can enter your body through these openings, causing them to spread. In order to properly wash your hands, be sure to use warm water and soap and scrub the backs of your hands, under your nails, and between your fingers for at least twenty seconds. To be extra cautious, wash twice in a row to make sure all of the germs have washed away. You can also use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. These are effective in killing cold and flu germs when soap and water is not available. Keep a pack of alcohol-based hand wipes with you so you can use them on the go, or if you think you have touched something that may be contaminated. Don't feel rude if you avoid shaking hands with people as you greet them. I think it is widely understood that germs can be spread easily and therefore people avoid making physical contact with others. Also, keep your house and surroundings clean. Sanitize your cell phone, door knobs, steering wheel, and other things you may touch on a regular basis. Also, if you are working with people who are sick, ask them to go home or to not come into work, as to not spread germs. While a candy dish might be tempting to reach into, try to avoid doing so, as many other hands have been in there so there are probably germs on the candies. Stick to candies that are wrapped or bring your own treats to work so you do not need to contract the germs that others are spreading. You can even start each day with using anti-bacterial wipes all over your work space. This will help being your day on a clean note, and hopefully you can keep it that way for the remainder of the day. Doing this again the following day will ensure that any germs that have made it into your work space are killed. It only takes one very small germ to cause an illness, so while something may look clean, that does not necessarily mean that it is. It is also important to keep up a healthy lifestyle in general. Eat foods that are beneficial for your health, because they will help your body be strong enough to fight off contagious diseases. Exercise on a regular basis as well, to keep your body strong. Also, it is important to get enough sleep so your body can restore itself each night and be ready for the day to come.