Letter: Early school closures good idea to prep for Matthew

I'm no longer with our local school district, although I stand with them and behind them 100 percent. This past week, I've tried to remain silent about the criticism for closing our schools for three days. Let me help these critics understand why this decision was made. Many factors go into closing schools for any reason. This time, there were three main reasons. First, Gov. Nikki Haley called for the closing. Most districts are going to follow that advice. Second, Manning High School is always opened as a shelter during evacuations. Students cannot be at the same school where shelters are being operated, for safety reasons. Think about it. Would you want your teenager around people who have not passed a background check or could possibly be unstable? No. Third, our buses, as all public school buses, are owned by the state. They are essential in helping to evacuate our coastal counties. Do you remember the pictures of buses during Hurricane Katrina just sitting in a lot, under water, not being utilized to help evacuate people? We all do. South Carolina takes a lot of criticism for a lot of things. But, this week, decisions have been made that have helped to proactively save lives. We have been proactive rather than reactive and that, in my book, is always best. DORY JOSEY CORBETT Paxville