Shooting death stemmed from argument

A 26-year-old man arrested by the Clarendon County Sheriff's Office and charged with murder early Friday morning allegedly wrote about it on Facebook shortly before being apprehended. Isaac Joseph Baughman II of 1187 Raiders Road posted "Going to jail for murder" about the time deputies took him into custody early Friday afternoon. He is charged in the shooting death of Steven Hunter Brown, 19, of 1362 Savage Road. Brown's body will undergo an autopsy about 11 a.m. at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, according to Coroner Hayes Samuels. "My preliminary report would suggest a gunshot wound to the head as the cause of death," Samuels said Friday. Reports indicate that the victim is the brother of Baughman's "estranged wife" and that an argument broke out initially at a home between Manning and Paxville. Baughman and his wife took Brown to Clarendon Memorial Hospital, and Baughman left on foot afterward. Samuels said Brown was dead on arrival about 3:50 a.m. Friday, and he was pronounced about 5:10 a.m.